I always welcome the warmer spring weather. It's a chance to open the doors, air the house out and it makes me feel like doing some spring cleaning - home AND body. This year my spring cleaning is a bit different. While I always go through and purge my house, this year it's a 14 year purge. I'm getting ready to sell my house and downsize. It's bittersweet. I LOVE my neighborhood and have made some amazing lifelong friends here. I also love my home - it's super cute and cozy. But - it's time in my life to make a fresh start. My husband passed in 2009, so it's just me and my daughter and this house is too much for us. Also, my daughter is starting high school and I'm ready to move on from the Chicago Public School system.
Are you in a similar spot? Purging and/or moving?? I have found it helpful to make "piles."
Pile 1 - Things to keep. These are the things I can't live without. Pictures, furniture and items I cherish and will definitely pack and bring with me.
Pile 2 - Donate. These are things that still have some value, but probably aren't saleable. Things like old clothes, old glasses, magazines etc.
Pile 3 - Sell. These are things I can sell quickly. I'm using a combination of a local "garage sale" on Facebook, Craigslist and eBay for the more valuable things.
Now - for the body cleanse. If I am going to be packing and moving, I need to get my body in shape! Even though I eat relatively healthy, the reality is when it's cold out I want warm cozy food. Now that the weather is getting nicer, I am craving more fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. So, to spring clean my body, I am going to give it a break from the rich foods I've been eating. I know it will give me more energy and help with my concentration and digestion.
I can't help you with your home cleaning, but I CAN help you if you are interested in cleansing your body. Starting April 22, Food2Live4 is doing another round of Cleanse, Balance, Thrive!
The Food2Live4 21 Day Cleanse, Balance, THRIVE plan is three weeks of menu plans, shopping lists, and simple recipes that show you what to eat, every day. The program begins with a gentle easing into healthy eating and ends with a week of raw & living foods and a juice fast. But you won’t be left on your own to stick to the plan! Twice weekly conference calls with my partner and I will answer your questions, provide support, and coach you through any rough patches. Calls are recorded so you must miss a session, you can dial in later and listen. You will also have a private Facebook page available only to 21 Day Cleansers with additional tips and support. I hope you will choose to join us for this spring cleanse. Click here for more info: Food2Live4 or email me at pamela@food2live4.com.
Happy Spring Cleaning!
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